LINK Towing Catalog 2025

Electrical & Lighting 181 See manufacturer’s catalog for more applications. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ANTENNAS (W61) In-motion viewing ROADTRIP® T4 Watch live TV while parked or traveling. Fast recovery when obstructions cause signal loss. Installs on roof. No setup required each time you park. DISH SD/HD DIRECTV SD BELL SD/HD (W61) - RT2000T white (W61) - RT2035T black Budget friendly. User friendly. DISH® PLAYMAKER® Portable antenna powered through receiver, only requiring coax cable. Fast acquisition time through a customized receiver interface. Single or dual outputs available. Bundle options include receiver. DISH SD/HD (W61) - PL-7000 Single white (W61) - PL-8000 Dual white (W61) - PL-8035 Dual black Maximum flexibility. CARRYOUT® G3 Portable, ultra-lightweight antenna compatible with multiple providers. Powered over coax through power inserter. No 12 V adapter needed. . DISH SD/HD DIRECTV SD BELL SD/HD (W61) - GM-9000 white (W61) - GM-9035 black Winegard - TV Signal Finder with AR Search for all available TV signals in your current location to find the best antenna positioning. The built-in augmented reality (AR) function makes it easy to avoid obstructions. AR may not work on smartphones without sensors. (W61) - PL7000R Single wh (W61) - PL8000R Dual wh (W61) - PL8035R Dual bl (W61) - 24-0526 RK-4000 (permanent) (W61) - 24-0181 TR-1518 (temporary) Portable antenna accessories. RK-4000 Roof Mount Kit. TR-1518 Tripod Mount. Call for activation and programming: 1-866-593-0348 for DISH 1-888-388-0484 for DIRECTV WINEGARD APPS MAKE IT EASY! DOWNLOAD FREE Bundles

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