CCI Catalog 2020

The products and manufacturers in this catalog are not affiliated with any of the automobile manufacturers listed in this page. Each vehicle make and model name or trademark that appears in this page is the property of the vehicle’s manufacturer. 76 RETENTION KEY: P-PUSH ON | L-LUG COVERS | B-BOLT-ON | M-SPRING STEEL CLIP | S-STANDARD LEG | O-OUTSIDE CLIP 431 SERIES 16”, 17” Chrome, Silver, Black 18” Chrome, Black #3021 RETENTION: M 432 SERIES 15” Chrome, Silver #7044 RETENTION: M 434 SERIES 15” Silver #55560 RETENTION: S 436 SERIES 15” Chrome, Silver #53073 RETENTION: S 414 SERIES 15” Silver #55058 RETENTION: M 416 SERIES 16” Chrome, Silver #61124 RETENTION: M 419 SERIES 15”, 16”, 17” Silver #8020 RETENTION: M 420 SERIES 15” Chrome RETENTION: M 422 SERIES 15” Chrome, Silver, Black #61133 RETENTION: M 423 SERIES 15” Chrome, Silver #61136 RETENTION: M 428 SERIES 15” Chrome or Silver #3238 RETENTION: M 429 SERIES 14” Chrome 16” Chrome, Silver #61137 RETENTION: M UNIVERSAL